Did you know you could make money selling your photos and potentially supplement your income? For most aspiring photographers, this is the best side hustle for them. However, if you are a camera-friendly and always take great photos, you can consider selling your photos for some money. There are many online selling websites available where you can sell photos.
Microstock sites such as Shutterstock.com and istockphoto.com make it pretty easy for anyone to sell prints online. Other places where you can sell your photos are Fotolia, Dreamstime, Depositphotos, 123RF, PixMac, etc. Most sites charge $1 for the small size photos, but the amount increases with larger photos.
Stock photography is a photo or graphics licensed for a specific use. Their use is prevalent among designers, graphics editors, advertising agencies, and so on in preparing ads, websites, brochures.
For example, companies or individuals, instead of hiring professional photographers, purchase photos from these websites.
To start selling your photos, you need to sign up as a contributor. Most stock image sites will ask for sample photos before approving your account. Once your account is approved, you can upload as many images as you like for free. However, for every sale, the microsite will charge a small fee. To make more money, you can choose to be exclusive to one site.
Photos quality
Photos without noise
Your photos go through serious checking. So be sure that the picture is clean, has an excellent composition, and most importantly, free from digital noise generated due to set high ISO values, short exposure, long exposures, or because of excessive processing.
No tourist photos
Do not think that you could earn anything from the sale of tourist point & shoot photos. It is not a scheme to get rich quickly.
Your photos must be commercially acceptable, the benefits to designers and graphics editors. Once you join one of these services, you can see the most famous images to gain an impression of what are the requirements. Visit the various professional photo galleries and so pick up inspiration.
No copyrighted material
When applying for a photo, make sure that it has no trademarks, brands, products (e.g., Nike). It would help you to sell photos and earn money.
Choose the right microstock agency.
You need to know what kind of photography agency asking that. Holds and whether such photos. Check the number of users of these sites, how many times removed famous images. Evaluate whether this page worth your effort. There are many stock photography websites available which you can go through and start selling your unique photographs.
Categorize and keyword selection
Photographers usually put the photo in more than just one recommended category. Also, connect your pictures with the right keywords, allowing your photos to appear through search engines integrated into the website. You can use keywords to describe your images for more visibility. Keywords are what clients use to search for photos to purchase. As easy as it sounds, this can be a tricky business to penetrate.
It should be known to play keywords, but not enter “false” keywords that are not related to photography. Your photos should, therefore, not get discarded.
Selling stock photos is a game of numbers, and you need to sell more to earn more. However, you can focus on taking great pictures that will sell quickly. An excellent digital camera is a must-have tool for this business. You need to find connections in different aspects and be able to take good photos of each.
In addition to photos, microstock sites also sell audio and video clips as well as vectors, icons.
With access to good cameras, more and more people are contributing to their photos, so yours have to be equally reasonable to sell. Many websites reject a lot of pictures and only approve the best generic images. We all take photos in our day to day lives. With a little creativity, these photos can be sold and earn us money. Have you ever sold your photographs before? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your experience.