Earn Extra Income By Becoming A Public Speaker
Public speaking refers to the act of speaking before a group of audience such as delivering elocution pieces, product presentation, giving speeches, and the like. If you have what it takes to become a public speaker, then you can hone your skills and earn from public speaking.
Here are some tips that can help you improve your performance and become one of the most sought-after public speakers:
Be Prepared
Nothing substitutes good preparation! This is true to every endeavor that you undertake, most especially if you are a neophyte. By being prepared with what you need to say and how should you say it, you become more confident in presenting yourself on stage and you’ll overcome your fears.
Don’t Speak Immediately
Always remember that the moment you walk on stage is not the right time to start talking. Just stand for few seconds, compose yourself, then give your audience a sincere look and smile.This way, you’ll be able to capture their attention, making them more receptive of what you have to say.
Establish Rapport
You are there to talk to an audience about something that can benefit them. Thus, you need to first have a clear idea about them which may include their age, education, gender, likes and interests. This can help you in your choice of words as well as the kind of humor that you may use in order to establish a good relationship with them. Maintain eye contact as you speak to make them feel that you are sincere with what you say.
Be Sensitive to Feedback and Adapt to It
It is a fact that as you speak, you can also see your audience’s feedback about your topic. You can tell if you are able to hold their attention and if they agree with you or not. It is actually very obvious from the expression of their faces. Of course, you want them to agree with you. However, if they seem to have some doubts or confusion, what would you do? As a good speaker, you need to be flexible and you should know how to adjust your message. Use concrete examples to drive home your point more easily. You can’t question their reactions as they might be talking from their own experience. This usually happens if you are presenting a product or services. It is here where you need to show your amazing personality; don’t be threatened by unfavorable comments. Instead, welcome them, and be able to deal with them positively. Again, if you are well-prepared, you can definitely convince your audience to think the way you do. You can, therefore, succeed at making public speaking your side hustle.
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